I Know How To Deal With A Judge- Calcutta HC Bar Association President Threatens Justice Gangopadhyay In A Videographed Spat

Update: 2022-08-20 07:34 GMT

The ugly exchange happened in the Courtroom of Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay who was hearing a matter related to the West Bengal teachers' recruitment scam, on Thursday. 

Justice Gangopadhyay had directed the six teachers who were allegedly illegally recruited, including Sukanya Mondal, the daughter of a Trinamool Congress leader Anubrata Mondal, to appear before the Court. 

When the matter was taken up, Justice Gangopadhyay told the reporters in the Courtroom that they may videograph the proceeding in Court.  

Senior Advocate and former Congress MLA Arunava Ghosh who was appearing for Sukanya Mondal objected to the suggestion by the Judge and told the Judge not to "turn the Court into a bazaar".

Arunava Gosh is also the president of the Calcutta High Court Bar Association.

"Lot of reporters are already there. There is a rumour that they go to your chamber", a Lawyer said. As per multiple news reports, it was Gosh who said it.

"Who goes to my chamber", Justice Gangopadhyay asked.

"These reporters", the Lawyer replied.

"Yes, they go to my chamber. What's the objection?", the Judge asked.

The Judge then said that he will issue contempt and send Gosh to prison. "Kindly", replied the Lawyer.

"Your Lordship told them to be present?", the Lawyer asked referring to the journalists. The Judge then once again spoke about initiating contempt proceedings against Gosh and another individual.

"I know how to deal with a Judge", as per reports it was Gosh who said this to the Court.

"I also know how to deal with a hooligan like you", the Judge replied.

"You do not know the law", the Lawyer said. "You do not know anything", the Judge replied.

Then, a Lawyer said, not clear who, "I have seen you for six years, you have not passed a single judgement."

"Not a single judgement? You have read nothing. You do not know facts." Justice Gangopadhyay replied.

A Lawyer then said in Bangali, not clear who, "He is talking sh*t /nonsense". 

The Judge then warned the Lawyer not to use any "unparliamentary language". "I will hold you in contempt", he added.

"Kindly issue a rule", a Lawyer said. "I will issue", the Judge replied.

"Let him issue the rule, let the matter be taken up judicially", a lawyer shouted. 

"Don't show your red eyes Mr. Gosh", the Judge remarked.

"We shall show", a Lawyer shouted.

"If you show, I will hold you in contempt", the Judge said.

The video of what transpired in Court has been published on Twitter. The video shows that other persons are also recording the proceedings, understandably as per the permission granted by the Court.

The video published on Twitter can be watched here. Verdictum is not vouching for the completeness or correctness of the videos. 

As per report, the former Congress MLA Arunava Ghosh was elected the president of the Calcutta High Court Bar Association with the support of the Congress and the Left Front. He had defeated the candidates backed by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) and the BJP by a narrow margin.

In April this year, a general body meeting of the Bar Association of Calcutta High Court called to pass a resolution against Justice Gangopadhyay was dissolved owing to an unruly situation and no resolution was adopted in it.  "Due to unprecedented and unruly situation in the meeting, where no discussion relating to the issues stated in letter dated April 7 was possible, I was forced to dissolve the meeting," Ghosh had then written to the Chief Justice of the High Court.


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