In Conversation With Shailesh Gandhi, Former Chief Information Commissioner And RTI Activist
Mr. Shailesh Gandhi, Former Chief Information Commissioner and RTI Activist speaks about the present legal system with regard to the Right to Information Act and his thoughts on how the RTI Act is making citizens the rulers of the Nation, highlighting the importance of providing information to the citizens, in an interview with Sukriti Singh.
Mr. Gandhi was the convener of the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information Act and the only RTI activist to be chosen as the Chief Information Commissioner (CIC). As CIC, he disposed the highest number of appeals with a record of 20,000 cases in 3 years and 9 months.
He has also authored a book titled “RTI Act: Authentic Interpretation of the Statute”. He continues to be an advocate for transparency and integrity in governmental affairs for the public.
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The interview is embedded above and can also be viewed here.