High Courts
Kerala Custodial Violence Against Jawan- Complaint Filed Against Magistrate For Not Ensuring Medical Assistance
High Courts

Kerala Custodial Violence Against Jawan- Complaint Filed Against Magistrate For Not Ensuring Medical Assistance

Ashish Shaji
27 Oct 2022 10:45 AM GMT

The President of Bharatheeya Poorva Sainik Seva Parishat (Kollam) has approached the Kerala High Court seeking stringent departmental action against the Judicial First Class Magistrate-I Kollam for not ensuring timely medical assistance to the victims in the Kilikolloor Custodial Violence case.

Certain police officers at the Kilikolloor Police Station, Kollam were accused of brutally man-handling and physically assaulting a serving Jawan of the Indian Army named Vishnu and his brother named Vignesh in police custody.

According to Vignesh, one of the cops who allegedly broke Vishnu's index finger said that he would never be in a position to pull the trigger again.

As per the complaint addressed to the Registrar (Judicial) of the High Court, both of them were inhumanely assaulted and brutally tortured by the Circle Inspector of Police and Sub Inspector of police along with certain other police personnel continuously for about five hours.

It was alleged by the complainant that the Judicial First Class Magistrate-I Kollam failed to refer them for medical examination despite the fact that there was medical advise to submit the youths for urgent medical examination.

The complaint read thus "The innocents have fully narrated the entire facts of brutal custodial violence/police torture on them to the magistrate and shown the injuries all over their body and expressed their severe apprehension of having suffered internal injuries. Though the learned Magistrate noted their statements, failed to refer them for medical examination despite the fact that there was medical advise to submit the youths for urgent medical examination. The magistrate was personally satisfied that both the brothers were under severe disability to stand at their own legs."

"Had if the Learned Magistrate sent the victims for medical examination in time, the hapless youths would have received timely medical assistance/attention which would prevent them their life long physical hardships.", the complainant contended.

It was alleged that the act of the Magistrate in not sending the injured for medical examination was highly irresponsible and contemptuous.

It was prayed that stringent departmental action may be initiated against the Magistrate.

"...it is humbly requested that stringent departmental action against the respondent Magistrate may be initiated at appropriate level for her grave misconduct and omission in discharge of her solemn duty as a dutiful magistrate.", the Complaint read.

As per reports, the Indian Army has intervened in the matter following reports that the police did not inform army officials about the Jawan's arrest and has sought an explanation from the Chief Secretary and Director General of Police of the state in this regard.

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