High Courts
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High Courts

Orissa HC Introduces ‘Lawyer Of The Year’ Award To Encourage Young Lawyers Practicing In District Courts

Ashish Shaji
31 Jan 2023 11:15 AM GMT

The Orissa High Court has instituted an Award namely ‘Lawyer of the Year’ Award to encourage young lawyers practicing in the District Courts.

As per the notification released by the High Court, the Award shall be an annual Award and shall be in the form of a collection of books worth ₹ 10,000, along with a certificate and a memento.

The work of a Lawyer for the entire calendar year from January to December shall be evaluated by the Jury.

The Award shall ordinarily be presented on “Lawyer’s Day” every year.

The notification further read that in a given year, only one Lawyer per District including the outlying stations, shall be chosen by the Jury for the Award.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible for this award, the Lawyer must be an enrolled member of Odisha State Bar Council and a member of the local Bar Association.

The Lawyer must be a practicing lawyer either in a District Court or in any outlying station of that district.

As per the notification released by the High Court, the age of the Lawyer must not be less than 30 years and more than 40 years. In an exceptional case, a Lawyer below 30 years, but not below 28 years, may be considered but adequate justification shall be furnished by the Jury.

It further states that the Lawyer, who has won the Award in a particular year, shall not be eligible for being considered for the Award in the succeeding years.

The Lawyer must not be related in the first degree to any sitting Judge of the High Court or any Judicial Officer in that district.


The Jury in every District shall comprise of- The District Judge, The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Three senior members of the Bars from the entire District.

The recommendation of the Jury must be unanimous.

Selection Criteria

Parameters to be considered by the Jury for qualification for the award includes number of cases handled by the Lawyer independently during the year, number of such cases e-filed by the Lawyer during the year, number of judgments/final orders in contested cases, during the year, handled independently by the Lawyer.

The Lawyer should have conducted at least one trial in a civil or in a criminal case entirely by himself/herself, during the year by appearing for any party i.e., Plaintiff, Defendant, Accused or for the Prosecution or even for the Complainant/ Victim.

Click here to read/download Notification

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