Read How Twitter Reacted To Chief Justice Chandrachuds Complaint About Trolling

Read How Twitter Reacted To Chief Justice Chandrachud's Complaint About Trolling

Verdictum News Desk
5 March 2023 9:00 AM GMT

While speaking at an event in Delhi on Friday, Chief Justice DY Chandrachud said that "We live in an age where people are short on their patience, they are short on their tolerance. People are also short on their tolerance because we are not willing to accept perspectives which are different from our own".

Justice Chandrachud also said that "For every little thing we do, as judges, we are no exception to this, for everything you do, you face the threat of being trolled by someone who doesn't share your point of view".

Many on Twitter found the Chief Justice's reference to "trolling" an attempt to stifle criticism of judges.

Here is how Twitter reacted to Chief Justice Chandrachud's complaint of lack of tolerance and trolling:-

Constitution Guarantees Right of Free Speech

"Indian constitution guarantees every citizen the fundamental right of free speech. You can criticise the PM, president, you can even criticise Gods, saints, religious leaders, so why should judges be above criticism? Is judiciary above the constitution?", asked speaker and social media influencer Shefali Vaidya.

Talks About Intolerance & Trolling in Same Breath

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra, an author, researcher and a gay rights activist, used harsh words to criticize the CJI. "Pending cases in India: 5 crore. Pending cases in SC: 69,000. But CJI has time to give speeches & take 1 week Holi Break. Talks about intolerance & in the same breath complains about being trolled. This man is a caricature", he said. Abhijit who has around 160 thousand followers on Twitter, is a petitioner in the pending plea before the Apex Court seeking recognition of same-sex marriages.

CJI Skipped Bar Association's Holi Event - #Tolerance

A popular Twitter handle with more than one lakh followers highlighted the news about the CJI skipping the Holi event organised by the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), where he was supposed to be the chief guest, a few days after he had a heated exchange with the SCBA President Senior Advocate Vikas Singh when Singh was asked by the CJI to leave his courtroom.

"CJI skips Bar Association's Holi event day after his spat with Vikas Singh #Tolerance", he said. "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds", was also his tweet in the context.

Attempt To Stifle Criticism

Advocate Dhrutiman Joshi, a lawyer practicing in the Bombay High Court, tweeted that the use by the CJI of the term "trolling" is an attempt to stifle criticism and will have a chilling effect on free speech.

"CJI condemning opinions on SM as “trolling” is an attempt to stifle criticism. Obviously, if you say something good about judges, they won’t call it “trolling”. People holding high positions shud consider the “chilling effect” their remarks can have on free speech and dissent" was his tweet.

Constant Virtue Signaling

Shikha who claims to be a fine art landscape photographer tweeted, "I find this constant virtue signaling and the social media PR of CJI Chandrachud very creepy. Does anyone else feel that way ? If CJI is so reformist, he needs to fix himself and judiciary and ask why legal profession in India is flooded with dynasts unlike STEM fields that have uplifted middle class India."

"Speaking Truth To Power" Is Trolling

In August last year, Justice Chandrachud had said while speaking at an event that speaking truth to power is a duty of every citizen.

Twitter user Gopi Krishna had this to say about the CJI's recent remark: "my trolling is "speaking truth to power" your "speaking truth to power" is trolling.. Hypocrisy is homage vice pays to virtue! gyan is always for others..)~ To speak truth to power is duty of all... DY Chandrachud".

Complaining About Little Internet Trolling!

Columnist Abhishek Banerji was not happy that the all-powerful Chief Justice of India is complaining about little internet trolling. "He is Chief Justice of India. He is son of former Chief Justice of India. He is not accountable to general public. Everyone has to follow his orders, even India's PM. He cannot be removed except by impeachment. And yet, he is complaining about a little internet trolling" said his tweet which has got more than 13 thousand likes.

Anonymous Account on Twitter?

Corporate Legal Consultant Ashutosh Muglikar wondered if Chief Justice Chandrachud has an anonymous Twitter handle. Unlike Facebook and some other social media platforms, the rules of Twitter permit having anonymous accounts without your real photo or revealing your identity.

"Every single day I keep reading about CJI Sir Shri Chandrachud ji giving gyan on various issues. When does he deliver judgments? Any idea? 🫥 Plus I have a firm opinion that he has an anon account on twitter. Hello saab, how are u 😜", he tweeted.

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