The three bench of the Karnataka High Court hearing the batch of cases regarding the hijab row asked the Advocate General (AG) if the State is afraid to inform the Court about the threat to school teachers from groups supporting wearing of hijab.

Advocate S.S. Naganand, while pointing out how the dispute regarding the wearing of hijab in schools began, referred to the Campus Front of India (CFI).

"What is this organisation", Chief Justice enquired about CFI. The Counsel replied that it is supposed to be a students organisation, but is not recognised by the school and it creates commotion.

"The governments must be having some inputs about these organisations", the Chief Justice said. "The Intelligence Bureau probably would have something", the Counsel replied, saying that the Advocate General may have some information.

The Chief Justice then asked the AG whether the state has any intelligence report about the organisations. The AG said that he has some information in the form of a report that he will place it before the Court.

"All of a sudden how has this erupted?", the CJ asked. The AG said that there is some information and that he is ready to place it before the Court in a sealed cover.

Advocate Subhash Jha then told the Bench that in his petition he has identified four organisations and named the Popular Front of India (PFI), Students Islamic Organisation(SIO), Campus Front of India (CFI) and the Jamaat-e-Islami.

The Court then said that it would like to have information about the organisations.

A counsel appearing for the Petitioners then submitted that information should also be sought about organisations opposing hijab.

Advocate S.S. Naganand then submitted that false allegations against teachers ill-treating students have been made at the instance of some external organisations. He also added that some teachers have been threatened by the organisation and that some police complaint has been lodged by a teacher.

The Bench then asked as to when the police complaint was lodged. Over, the last couple of days, replied the Counsel.

I will place it before the Court, said the AG. The Court was furious about the news of teachers being threatened.

"You should have disclosed it to us. In all fairness, the state is bound to disclose it to us. You have not done it", said Justice Krishna Dixit.

I am not aware, I will find out, the AG replied.

"Are you afraid or what?", the Bench furious about the development asked.

The hearing of the case will continue tomorrow at 2.30 pm.